Gerrit Wohlt, M.D.
For 20 years now, Dr. Gerrit Wohlt has been medical director of one of the most renowned centers for voice medicine and voice surgery in Europe, with two locations in the music metropolises of Berlin and Vienna. The medical treatment of all disorders of the singing and speaking voice as well as his personalized care of performing artists are rendered according to the highest international standards.
Dr. Wohlt, specialist in Otolaryngology and Phoniatrics, is himself a trained singer and singing teacher. Alongside his medical management of the professional singing voice, his area of special clinical focus is on the field of voice-improving surgery, also referred to as phonosurgery.
Dr. Wohlt ranks internationally as one of the most distinguished voice surgeons, especially known for his treatment of singers and actors. World stars of opera, pop and the entertainment industry let Dr. Wohlt surgically manage their voices and rejuvenate their singing. The postoperative rehabilitation of the singing voice constitutes one of Dr. Wohlt's specially designed therapeutic concepts.
Beyond this, he spent many years establishing an international center of excellence for the surgical care of patients with unilateral vocal cord paralysis.

1985 to 1992
Medical school in Hannover, Germany and London, England
1993 to 2002
Specialization in Laryngology and Phoniatrics at various university medical centers
2000 and 2001
Research fellowships in Philadelphia, PA, USA (under Robert Sataloff) and Lyon, France (under Marc Bouchayer)
Established a center for voice medicine | voice surgery in Berlin, Germany
Established a center for voice medicine | voice surgery in Vienna, Austria

Vocal Training | A Passion for Singing
Growing up in a musical family, Dr. Wohlt started receiving singing lessons at the early age of 7. After his university entrance diploma (Abitur), he continued his 10-year training in the art of singing under Charlotte Lehmann (Hannover), Emmy Seiberlich (Karlsruhe) and Anthony Rolfe-Johnson (London). This was followed by regular concert performances as a concert and oratorio singer.

Engagement in Professional Politics
Deutscher Berufsverband der Fachärzte für Phoniatrie und Pädaudiologie e.V.
During his 10 years' in office as the Federal Chairman of the German Federal Association of Phoniatrics and Pedaudiology, Dr. Wohlt was able to help shape the positive trends taking place in this medical discipline.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Phonochirurgie e.V.
As founding member and presiding chairman, Dr. Wohlt also manages the German Society for Phonosurgery, headquartered in Berlin, whose mission it is to further develop and propagate phonosurgical issues.